Nectarines Fruits Nutrition Values

The nectarine is a cultivar group of peach that has a smooth skin. Though fuzzy peaches and nectarines are regarded commercially as different fruits, with nectarines often erroneously believed to be a crossbreed between peaches and plums, or a peach with a plum skin, they belong to the same species as peaches. Several genetic studies have concluded in fact that nectarines are created due to a recessive gene, whereas a fuzzy peach skin is dominant. Nectarines have arisen many times from peach trees, often as bud sports.

Nectarines fruit

Nectarines are similar to peaches. The good thing is that they have a smooth skin, without the fuzz of peaches. On the other hand, its flesh sticks to the pit of the nectarine, instead of coming off cleanly as it does in a peach.Peaches and nectarines provide very good sources of carotenes, potassium,flavonoids, and natural sugars.They are good sources of lycopene and lutein. Lutein gives the red, orange, and
yellow colors to fruits and vegetables. These phytochemicals are especially beneficial in the prevention of heart disease, macular degeneration, and cancer.

That beautifully orange yellow peel of the nectarine is overflowing with bioflavonoids; it is especially rich in carotenoids. Bioflavonoids are antioxidants found in plant pigment that help your body fight off cancer as well as other diseases. It accomplishes this by fighting against the damaged done to the body’s cells that naturally takes place as a result of the process of the body burning up oxygen. As if that weren’t enough, nectarines also provide protein.

nectarines fruit health benefits

Health Benefits Of Nectarines Fruits :

1.They are a good source of Vitamin A, beta carotene and potassium.

2. Nectarines are also a great source of antioxidants which can help protect the skin from damaging UV rays by counteracting free radical activity.

3.Nectarines are considered a subacid fruit and can be mixed with any fruit. They leave an alkaline ash, and are best eaten raw. They are wonderful dried.

4.Weight loss

5.. Nectarines are also naturally cholesterol free amin C helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

6. Nectarines are low in calories and are naturally fat free.

7. Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium

8. Maintaining optimum health

9. High in Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Niacin and Potassium

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